Female judge holding a wooden gavel.


Top Ten Tips While Waiting For Your Hearing

Once the reconsideration denial has come, and we file a request for hearing with an administrative judge, my clients ask me “What do I do now?” I first tell them our wait time is going to be 18-24 months. And what follows are the tips I have for my clients.

1) If you HAVE to work, do not make over $1,000.00 GROSS, before taxes, as that will be considered “Substantial Gainful Activity” and preclude you from benefits. If you don’t have to work because of a generous living arrangement, do not. At hearing, if you have been working no matter how long or little, it will raise questions in the judge’s eyes to your credibility.

2) Keep going to your SAME doctors, psychologists, physician’s assistants, physical therapists, whomever you have BEEN treating with, continue to treat.

3) If you change addresses, move out of state, change phone numbers, keep in contact with your attorney!

4) Start compiling a list of DOCTORS who would be willing to fill out questionnaire’s or compose letters on your behalf. You NEED your doctor’s on your side!

5) Start compiling a list of FAMILY members who see you OFTEN, to write letters on your behalf. Letters go a lot farther than in-person testimony and have less chance to contradict any of your own statements!

6) Listen to your medical doctors and care team and follow their instructions. They want you to get better and know how to do it!

7) Take a deep breath and know you are in this for the long-haul! If you are prepared, have an attorney who fights for your benefits, you will be well situated at your hearing!

At Marken Law Group, PS, we do not charge a fee unless we get you the benefits you deserve! We have represented clients just like you in Washington, Idaho, Montana, California and Oregon get benefits!

Call today for a free consultation! Remember; No Benefits, No Fee!