Marken Law Group, PS, has helped hundreds obtain Social Security Disability benefits through the Social Security Administration. We help at the initial application stage all the way through the Federal District Court Appellate level. While many are relieved to obtain Social Security Disability benefits, as you should, MOST attorneys will take their fee without preparing their clients for what follows.
The Social Security Administration has several options to TAKE AWAY YOUR DISABILITY BENEFITS AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED.
The most obvious is if you go back to work over the Social Security Administration threshold entitled SUBSTANTIAL GAINFUL ACTIVITY (SGA). In 2018, if you made over $1140 GROSS(!!!) a month, you would have been taken off of Social Security disability benefits. If you made $1150 an hour (nice wage) or if you worked 100 hours at 11.40, you would still be considered to have performed SGA.
Social Security might find out in medical review that you are volunteering 30-40 hours a month at a local non-profit. This could be considered SGA for the amount of time put in to volunteering.
The reality is Social Security is looking to see if you have improved. Many decisions will simply state, the matter will be reviewed in 18 months or 36 months, depending on the decision writer and the judge. So. You have to keep treating with your medical providers. The Social Security Administration will take away your disability benefits if you have not kept up your medical treatment. This could be disastrous. You could be DENIED benefits and have to ask for your monthly amount while you appeal. If you lose your claim, you will then OWE the Social Security Administration for the months they paid you benefits AFTER they found you were no longer disabled.
The best course is to continue with medical treatment AFTER you have been found disabled and not to make over the SGA threshold, ever, even for one month. Otherwise you risk Social Security cutting you off disability benefits that took you years to obtain in the first place.
Marken Law Group, PS, does not charge a fee unless you obtain the benefits you deserve. Call today for a free consultation. 99% five star ratings on Google, Yelp and AVVO.