Marken Law Group, PS, has helped hundreds obtain Social Security Disability benefits through the claims process. We help people file initial claims, represent people at every level of appeal through the Federal Court level.
Below are the top 5 reasons to obtain a Social Security Attorney early on in the process.
- Social Security Attorney’s charge the same fee to obtain your benefits, under Federal Law, whether they have represented you for 1 week or 2 years. That fee is limited to 25% of your back pay or $6,000.00 whichever is LESS. Now if you obtain representation to help you file the initial paperwork or obtain a lawyer several weeks before your hearing, the fee is the same.
- Depending on the level of appeal where you seek an attorney, it might be difficult to actually find an attorney to represent you. If you are seeking an attorney AFTER you have had a hearing with an administrative law judge most experienced lawyers will be hesitant to take your case. The Appeals Council typically approves the judges decision leaving your only recourse the Federal Court level. You have to have a VERY strong case for a Federal Social Security Attorney to take on your matter. Most Social Security Attorneys do not practice in the Federal Courts.
- Social Security Attorney’s know, ideally, the process and can guide you through your claim from what to expect after filing (a barrage of paperwork and forms to be completed TIMELY) from forms, consultative examinations and appealing TIMELY, any unfavorable decisions. A good Social Security attorney can work with you to complete the forms most favorable to your claim and advocate for you in the submission of treating source and other beneficial statements to approve your claim.
These are merely a few, of the many, reasons you should seek counsel experienced in Social Security claims both at the SSDI and SSI levels. The Social Security Administrations process for both SSI and SSDI are COMPLEX and LONG in duration. Seek counsel today. Remember, you should never pay a fee if you do not obtain Social Security benefits.
Marken Law Group, PS, will walk you through every stage of the disability claims process and guide you through to get a fair decision on your claim. Call today, No Benefits, No Fee!