Wooden gavel resting on social security papers.


Social Security Disability’s Frustrating Timelines

Marken Law Group, PS, has helped hundreds obtain Social Security Disability benefits through SSDI and SSI claims. We guide our clients from start to finish through the often many appeals and long waits the Social Security Administration puts our clients through. It is a frustrating process and we are here to help.

The basic timelines can be frustrating but if you know how long the process will truly be, it might help.

The day you initially file your claim online, over the phone, or in person (depending on the claim), you can expect a whole heap of paperwork initially (work history report, adult function report, work activity report, etc.). From filing date to INITIAL decision is typically 2-6 months depending on the office. If denied, and you file for reconsideration in the mandatory 60 days from DATE of denial, the next denial will be quicker, 1-3 months. If you request a hearing in front of an administrative law judge, if denied at reconsideration, your wait time is typically 6-12 months, depending on the back log at the local hearing office.

If you go to hearing and are APPROVED for benefits, it will take 1-3 months for a decision, then an additional 1-3 months for your back payments to be processed.

Don’t forget, their is a ridiculous “6-Month Waiting Period” for disability benefits. This means if they found you disabled in January 2019, your first month eligible for benefits is ACTUALLY July 2019. Most people do not know this important 6 month waiting period issue.

Now, you have waited a long time to get on disability, likely, and you hear you will get great medical insurance if you are found disabled. Well, true, their is a catch. There is a 24 month waiting period for medical! What THIS means, is if you were found disabled in January 2019, you will be eligible for insurance January 2021!

Insurance and back-pay are two items which most claimants don’t have a full grasp of the realities. Many will have onset dates 10 years prior and think if they are found disabled they will get 10 years of back pay. They won’t. Social Security only goes back so far, depending on the claim. For and SSI claim, the administration will only pay back 1 year from the filing date!

If you are denied at the hearing level, your timeline if you decide to pursue your claim just became greater. The appeals council will typically deny your appeal in 12-18 months! Your only option at this point, for the claim in question, is to file a federal district lawsuit against the Social Security Administration which is another year on average.

Social Security wait times can be frustrating. We at Marken Law Group, PS, know this and do all we can to speed up the process and keep you informed on the status of your claim. We don’t receive a fee unless you get the benefits you deserve! Call today for a free consultation!